Your Ultimate Probiotic Guide!
There is a lot of confusion about gut health and probiotics, but I got you...
I'm Liza, Registered Nutritionist and Coach, currently doing a PhD in the area of gut health. For several years I've been working as Head of Nutrition in one of the UK's leading nutrition and gut health companies.
On a daily basis, I talk to people like you about their nutrition and gut health issues.
How to support and optimise gut health using evidence-based tools.
And I get asked about probiotics almost every day.
Is it worth taking them?
How to choose a good one?
Are they safe?
Which brands are better?
Does everyone need a probiotic?
I see that there is a lot of confusion about gut health and probiotics.
That's why I created this Probiotic Guide, to answer common questions and hopefully help you make better-informed choices :)
As I have recently started this blog, this guide is completely free for you!
Let's dive in!
Download Your Guide Here
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